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Nevercenter is a small group of software artists making the kind of creative software we most enjoy using—for 3D modeling and rendering, editing photos and videos, and creating pixel art.
Speedy, intuitive 3D modeling and UVs & Unreal-powered rendering, walkthroughs, and VR. Together, an unbeatable team. Filter-focused photo editing and film emulation for Mac and PC. Best of Mac App Store award winner. Ultra-intuitive tools for filtering and editing photos and videos. An essential addition to any filmmaker's toolset. Resolution-independent pixel art software. A revolutionary new approach to pixel art, now available on MacOS and Windows.
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Pixelmash 2023.0 Released, Includes New Color Adjustments and Reflection Effects
Pixel Art / November 1st, 2022     A+ | a-

Dear Pixelmash Fans,

We're excited to announce that we've released Pixelmash 2023.0, including some great new layer effects (Color Adjustments and a newly enhanced Mirror effect) and several bug fixes and workflow improvements. Check out the release video and grab the update at these links:


The new Color Adjustments effect has sliders to control exposure, saturation, contrast, and hue shift, for when you need to tweak all the colors in a layer together. The Mirror layer effect has been improved and expanded to better support things like reflections in floors or water, now including an opacity slider and a pixel offset amount. Bug fixes and tweaks include useful day-to-day things like making layer selection with the pointer and transform tools more intuitive and reliable, and making images import at the pixel scale of the document rather than scaling to the document bounds.

The update is FREE for all users who purchased Pixelmash from within the last year; simply download the new version from the Pixelmash webpage. If you need to purchase an upgrade to your license, want to check if you need to, or generally check on the details of your license, you can do so at

Enjoy! As always, we love to hear from you—send us an email at, or reach out via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. We want to hear your thoughts so we can keep updating with your requests, and we love to see what you are creating!

Tagged as:  Pixelmash · Update · Pixel Art
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