We’re happy to announce the release of CameraBag 2022.4 for Mac and PC (Photo and Pro), which comes with some very useful new day-to-day features.
First, in the upper left-hand corner of the full-screen presets Quicklook view, you’ll notice a new button that pops open a menu to allow you to easily jump to any preset section. We’ve also expanded the EXIF info you’ll see from the View > Media Info window, which now includes a photo’s camera settings, date taken, and a button that will open Google Maps in your web browser to show you its GPS location (when this info is included in the photo’s EXIF data). Download the new CameraBag now to try it out, and check out the release video on YouTube!
DOWNLOAD CAMERABAG 2022.4: nevercenter.com/camerabag/download
This update is FREE for all users who purchased CameraBag from nevercenter.com within the last year; simply download the new version from the CameraBag webpage. If you need to purchase an upgrade to your license, want to check if you need to, or generally check on the details of your license, you can do so at nevercenter.com/upgrade.
Enjoy! As always, we love to hear from you—send us an email at camerabag@nevercenter.com, or reach out via Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. We want to hear your thoughts so we can keep updating with your requests, and we love to see what you are creating!